One of the consequences of being always immersed in this mediocrity from which I cannot escape is that, having experienced nothing memorable,

having lived nothing worthwhile or worth remembering, I don’t really have a biography.

Logically, I began by considering other´s  memories as mines ... ….little by little I took the lives of others as my own, creating their own memories.

Once you start this exercise, and assume how simple it is to live in the invented memories of others, it doesn’t make sense to limit yourself to having only one identity, so you choose to have many....

That’s why today I can do without having had a life... even without having life, which is even better. To live a life based on invented memories,,,,......... everybody else


invented memories is a project about the repetition in art and creativity in general. It delves into the belief that no work is totally new, that everything is repeated and that every creation is a construction over others previous ideas. It takes some invented memories as a starting point: some texts that appropriate the life and memories of other artists, making them mine and mixing them with my own life. Each memory thus generates a piece, and the whole project is a construction in which all of them interact through different disciplines such as sculpture, performance, video, installation and sound.