The viewer walks through an orchestrated route at the same time who thinks both,o individual works and the global device, interacting with the experience that is offered. In this wandering through the rooms of a house he finds a shadow, a detail, a piece of lace or a trace of breath in a mirror details that discover us a character.

The prominence belongs to the space and the fiction, and the fragmented narrative associated to them. The deep melancholy which houses this project, together with a thoughful sound construction, smells and continuous literary references conform the backbone of the whole of the experience.

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In A completely empty room only the sound of fire can be heard. In the library are two different books are repeated continuously, a season in hell of Rimbaud and the fictions of Borges. In the same room a piece about the Voynich manuscript. Another room displays a table with dust and an installation with our character book in the sewing room.

                              another room shows the work cracks with a sound and smell installation.

                              another room shows the work cracks with a sound and smell installation.

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the insistent sound of metronome shares the space with two works on black pedestals. The decadence is a piece built on a material that will be gradually degenerating... The piece is exposed in its State acts along with four photos in the series of eight that documents 

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in the bathroom “Kafka and me in the toilet” is exibited. This piece features a delicate lace work inside and on the surface appears the word “pathos” written with cocaine. The character has written with his finger the word “unreal” on the mist that has left his breathing on mirror...

A table shows the marks and fingerprints of our character, traces from a book , cracks, footprints and their tears. The piece sets a game of perception with the viewer where the visitor will discover little by little according to obsera the surface that everything is a careful creation, intellectual wink where the wood surface that looks like powder in reality this carefully drawn in pencil and both marks, cracks and fingerprints are actually meticulous drawings and tears sonvincrustaciones of glass in wood

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 in a wall is projected the video piece “Ashes to” Ashes”. The shadow of an inexistent  character is projected onto a carpet from a window, similar to desktop this piece table set a game of perception, since it is knitted in such a way that it makes this shadow effect.

In this last room audio is much more noticeable.. songs parts, whispers, doors, steps, groans of orgasm are clearly perceived. 

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