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The installation works as a  nightmare psyche replica, extreme inner worlds that refer to a sobre-identificacion with fiction, where artistic expression exceeds its critical containment and enters a space where the reality and fiction blur away. The delicacy of materials does not hide a dark theme that speaks to us of the isolation, death, the obsessive, pathological behaviors, and contained violence hidden under a dual beauty and sensitivity. The system of signs is a scene of death and decay, a duality which is situated between normality and perversity, the everyday and the extraordinary, the sensitive and delicate and the obsessive and self-destructive. 

His estheticized destruction offers us both a horrificada vision and potential of idealization and beauty.  Citing examples where the global become factors that incite an isolation in real life, forcing us to comfort a dark reality that is more present than what we would like to admit, creating a tension with our scenic world and accept the isolation and individual drama that lurks in the globalized Western culture.

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video still

video still

table finish

table finish





Silence is an installation at the FIART Foundation in Madrid. In one room that remained continually in darkness and in the greatest possible silence, only two point lights guided view of visitors who gradually was adapting to discover the nuances in the dark monochromatic palette of all elements. A desk and Chair, burned and charred and the rest of the different wings parts also in black is located in the center of the space. A video piece completed installation.

The installation was completed or "activated" on the opening day through performative action. In it a character, in the room completely dark was showing its presence throughout the room through sound and flashes of light from matches. Located in the table and in the light of a burning book, then he made a written with black ink on a piece of the same color, and burned a photo and some pages... There being his ashes...